Friday 20 September 2013

Anti Ageing

Good Skin Care Tips for 20’s, 30’s, and Beyond

skin care tips for 20 somethings 
None of us like to grow old, but it is a natural process that each of us have to go through. We are however capable of fighting this aging process and delaying it if required too. After all who does not want to look beautiful!

Read below to find out how you can you can take better care of your skin. Read on these tips for varied age groups.

Skin care for 20’s:

1. Twenties is the right age group when we should start taking care of our skin. Epione Beverly Hills founder and dermatologist Dr. Simon Ourian says that sunblock is that one thing you cannot forget to skip, because sun damages causes fine lines and wrinkles.
2. It takes nearly 10 to 15 years to see those sun exposure effects on our skin. Hence, physical sun blocks such as titanium or zinc dioxide are preferable to protect the skin from the harsh rays, when compared to chemical sunscreens that are known to absorb all those UV rays, thus reducing the tendency to protect, while being clear on the skin.
3. People generally in this age group have issues with acne, so it’s better to stay away from dehydrating products, which on regular use are known to influence oil glands to produce more, resulting in pimples.
4. This age is also right to start moisturizing the skin along with cleansing, because it is during this age that we have maximum collagen support. However, make sure to use natural products only.
5. We also need to feed our skin with antioxidant-rich, hydrating products as collagen works its best at this age. Never use products which removes the entire oil from your skin, even if you have full blown acne and pimples, because this will only lead our oil glands to over-drive, resulting in more pimples.
6. It is better to start using oil-free lotions, nourishing products, skin-balancing cleansers and eye creams as soon as possible.

No-Fail plan for 20’s:


People with normal skin type should wash their face daily before going to bed. Use a mild cleanser/gel if your skin is oily, or a milky one, or dry.


Use a moisturizer that has at least SPF 15 or 20 with both UVA and UVB protection.

Nighttime treatment:

Most dermatologists recommend using vitamin A-derivative prescription retinoids (like Retin-A, Tazorac, and Avage) to reduce fine lines and treat acne, while stimulating collage. If you are not able to use it, try using hydrating cream at least before going to bed. Make sure to apply at least a pea size amount.

Skin Care For 30's

As soon as we realize that we are reaching our 30’s, we must also realize that our body’s ability to renew damaged skin cells is begins to decrease rapidly. We also begin to notice those unwanted wrinkles and fine lines especially around the mouth and eyes. Dark skinned people usually notice uneven skin tone with discoloration, while fair skinned people notice hyper-pigmentation. Skin also becomes thinner with time and cell turnover slows down with loss of collagen. Skin then looks dull and further more needs immediate improvement.

Here are some precautions:

1. If you find any dynamic lines caused during facial expressions around eyes, between brows, around mouth etc, then you must realize that this is the right time to consider Botox, especially to prevent these  lines from growing its number and depth.
2. Using creamy cleansers instead of gels with AHAs or glycolic, which encourage collagen gives best results in` this case, while keeping our skin hydrated.
3. Facial oils such as jojoba and rosehip are very useful in reducing sunspots as well as balancing the skin moisture. Serums and creams containing hyaluronic acid are also handy. Physical and chemical exfoliants are also helpful to make our skin smooth while stimulating cell renewal. It is also good to consider natural lotions containing retinols, vitamin C and kojic acid.
4. If you are using retinoids during the night then you are getting enough exfoliation but if you are not using them and your skin is sensitive to them, add a cleanser, moisturizer or a night cream with salicylic acid or glycolic acid.
5. Avoid using harsh scrubs. They would do no good to the skin; instead it will make your skin over react which never gives desirable results.
6. In our 30’s skin can begin to look dull, and the easiest solution for this is exfoliation, which you can do at home also. In order to brighten up the complexion, products such as SkinCeuticals Micro-exfoliating Scrub with a Clarisonic Skin Cleansing brush come handy every evening.

No-Fail Plan for 30’s:


Use a cleanser with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) to encourage exfoliation in the morning, and when it comes to evenings use only creamy cleansers.

Moisturizing your skin will help you protect your skin properly. Products with antioxidants like green or white tea, pomegranate, or vitamin C, will protect our skin from the damaging free radicals.
Make sure to wear an eye cream daily to avoid those unwanted dark circles. However, remember to use the ones with hydroquinone, vitamin C, or botanicals, which are known to brighten the skin with kojic acid, soy, or licorice ingredients.
Also, if you think you that need extra moisture, then you could chose products with caffeine and hyaluronic acid.

Nighttime treatment:

Retinoid or retinol is essential for our skin once we touch our 30’s. It is also useful to choose a night cream or serum with retinol.


Skin care for 40’s:


skin care tips for 30 year olds

We see most of the skin damage showing up during this time. Most people cannot figure out what to do with wrinkles and fine lines on their face, especially when they turn deeper and deeper.

1. Sometimes it reaches a point where it is difficult to fix back to where it was because pores tend to become large, skin loses its elasticity, while facial issues like discoloration/miasma starts appearing.
This also means that you are not left with any choice, but to use fillers such as Restylane, Radiesse and Juvederm. Just like any other problem even this problem has an expensive treatment called the Laser Resurfacing with Fraxel, which is known to reduce sun damage caused red spots, ruddiness and blotchiness.

skin care tips for 30s 
2. If you heard of retinol, then it’s the right time to use it to reduce all those wrinkles on the face. Most important thing at this age is to keep your skin hydrated on daily basis. It is really worth searching for peptides and coenzyme Q10 in ingredients list before purchasing a product to increase vitality and resilience.

No-Fail plan for 40’s:


Products with mild AHA or salicylic acid are good if you use it daily, but you can also go for creamy cleansers twice a day.


Never forget to moisturizer with petrolatum and shea butter, if you find even slightest dryness on your skin. It also is the right time to list out the supplements you really need in your moisturizer as soon as you touch your 40’s.
You need at least SPF 15-20, and two types of antioxidants such as lycopene, green tea, and soy for healthy skin.

Nighttime treatment:

Collagen is the main reason why our skin looks young so find a way to increase its level or simply use a retinoid prescribed by your dermatologist.


Skin care for 50s, 60s and Beyond:

skin care tips for all ages 
1. That entire struggle you had at the young age with your skin will help you at this age. All you have to do is maintain your skin and not give up on it. Finding some spider veins, hyper-pigmentation, and precancerous spots on our skin is quite natural at this age.

2. Consider Elos laser and Fraxel laser treatment to treat spider veins and hyperpigmentation respectively. Crotherapy/Topical medication can give relief from precancerous spots.

3. Try treating all your problems during your 50’s itself, because once you reach the 60’s things, it will only get worse because the intensity will increase at that age. Try considering serums and facial oils with vitamin C and take fish oil capsules.
4. If you prefer any surgery, go for plastic surgeries like blepharoplasty and platysmaplasty. However, consider an experienced Dermatologist with good reviews from patients.

No-Fail plan for 50s, 60s, and Beyond:


At this age it is better to consider non-soapy cleansers. Try washing your face twice a day with some creamy or a foaming cleanser.


Our skin demands more external care, so consider a serum with peptides or antioxidants so that your skin can absorb it easily. Second step is always to continue you’re moisturizing with proper SPF and UVA/UVB protection included in it

Nighttime treatment:

Consider Retinoid prescribed by your Dermatologist. Plastic surgery options include blepharoplasty (which addresses the tired, excess skin of the eyelids), platysmaplasty (which gets rid of the “turkey gobbler”) and brow lifts (to reposition drooping brows).


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