Friday 20 September 2013

Hands Care

 Tips for Soft Hands


Condition of your hands depends on time you give to your hands. Usually manual workers and housewives don’t give proper time to their hands. Direct exposure to all weather effects including temperature, climate, frequent wetting, and dealing with harsh chemicals and overwork routine affects beauty of your hands. You should develop a habit to give frequent manicure to your hands at least once a week. Proper care of your hands will help your hand to combat annoying problems including chipping, splitting, peeling and cracking. To learn proper method of manicure at home follow the link mentioned here “Manicure at Home”.
Here is a collection of great tips to take proper care of hands. Adopt these tips and methods and make habit to treat your hands with much care once a week.
Hands Massage
Hands massage costs nothing. To stimulate blood circulation in your hands, rub your palm of one hand to back of other hand and then repeat this treatment with other hand. This movement of your hands is best to keep your hands warm.
Get Silky and Soft Hands
Lavish on your hands before you go to bed with Vaseline or any moisturizing cream. Wear a pair of gloves for better effects. You will get up with incredibly soft hands in morning.
9 Tips for Soft, Beautiful Hands


Be gentle

For soft and beautiful hands, one need not spend thousands on manicures. A little care and protection is all that calls for its daily care. While washing, choose a mild soap or liquid to cleanse your hands. Slather a gentle moisturising cream or Vaseline to replenish the lost moisture every time you wash your hand or before going to bed.


Wear Gloves

Protect them by wearing rubber gloves while washing clothes and utensils, gardening and any other activity that involves harsh chemicals. This will prevent cracked fingertips and brittle nails.



Scrubbing hands once a week is good to rid the hands of dead cells. It will also enhance the cell renewal process. If dry skin, try using sea salt as a scrub.


Soaking hands in lukewarm water or milk is another way of strengthening the nails. Just 10-15 minutes daily task will strength.


Massage is a wonderful way to stimulate blood circulation in your hands. Spread some cream on the back of your hand and rub it gently with the other back of your hand. Repeat the same for other hand. A few days of this exercise will make your hands soft and smooth.


Calcium Supplements

White spots on nails are a signal of nutritional deficiencies or some nail trauma. To tackle the problem, take calcium supplements or foods rich in calcium and Vitamin C. Meanwhile, allow the nails to outgrow and then trim them to get rid of the yellowness or the white spots. Also, avoid aggressive manicure during this time. Moisturising with Vitamin E oil and applying an antifungal nail polish such as Ciclopirox can help hide the white spots.

Say no to some habits

Nail biting, digging, scratching or peeling can also cause brittleness, so say goodbye to those bad habits and resort to some other means to vent out your anxiousness.

Kitchen Remedies

Kitchen counter ingredients can sometimes save that manicure bill. Coconut oil, olive oil, glycerine, honey, milk cream are all natural moisturisers that would do wonder to soften your pretty hands.



Lastly, focus on your diet. What you eat is important, so grab those soya products that are rich in protein. Eat more Vitamin B and other vitamin supplements to strengthen the nails. Remember healthy and strong nails are a result of a good diet and a little love.

Even now when you are reading this article, your hands are playing an important role, be it in using the mouse, or pressing the keyboard buttons. So pamper these super active organs with the above-mentioned pointers and discover soft supple and beautiful hands!

Some Home Made Tips

beautiful hands at home

  • Apply olive oil or coconut oil on your hands.
  • Apply mixture of cucumber juice and glycerin on your hands.
  • Mix equal quantities of lime juice and olive oil and apply on your hands.
  • Take tomato juice, glycerin and lime juice in equal proportions and apply this paste on your hands every night.
  • Massage your hands with mixture of orange juice and honey.
  • Mix 1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp lemon juice and 5 drops of rose water and apply the mixture on your hands in daily routine.
  • Soak your hands in warm olive oil and massage your hand with olive oil.
  • Wear gloves while working in laundry, kitchen and garden and give proper time to your hands.
  • Moisturize your hands at least four times a day.
  • To treat rough hands, take 1 tsp of sugar and lemon juice. Rub the palms till sugar dissolves in movement like washing your hands.


    25 Homemade Remedies for Fair Hands

    Remedies For fair hands

    1. Take a lemon, and scrub it all over your hands, as this is a bleaching agent and helps against blemished skin of hands.

    2. Take a potato, and squeeze its juice in a bowl, now apply it on your hands, and this will also bleach your skin and turn it fairer.

    3. Mash the tomato in a grinder, and apply it on your hands and arms, this will help to even out your skin tone and make it glow and pinkish.

    4. Apply the paste prepared from the lemon juice and honey by mixing them in equal quantity, and apply it on your hands for best results.

    5. Cinnamon with honey, almost a half teaspoon each, mix it well and then apply it on your hands and face, to make them fair.

    6. Take cucumber juice, along with the lemon juice, and apply it on your hand. This will make the skin fair.

    7. Apply the curd on the hands to make it fair and soft as it is a good source of zinc and lactic acid to lighten the skin tone.

    8. Coconut water is also very useful to get fair hands, just apply it on your hands daily. It also lightens the marks from diseases.

    9. Almond or olive oil massage also keeps the hands fair and softly, and for better results you can also ass some saffron to it.

    10. Prepare a mixture of 1 spoon of milk powder, 1 spoon of lemon juice and almond oil, and apply it in the dark hands. Leave it for 15 min, and then wash it. This is a very effective skin lightening technique.

    11. Honey mixed with cucumber juice is also very good for the fair skin of hands.

    12. For extremely oily skin, apply the egg white twice a week on the hands, to keep them fair.

    13. Mixture of oatmeal, and curd with the tomato, prepares a pack for hands. Apply it twice a week on hands to get better results and stay away from the tan skin.

    Fair hands tips

    14. Mash a tomato and add 4 drops of lemon juice in it, and apply to the hands to keep them healthy and fair.

    15. A mixture of honey, milk powder, papaya is also a good application to make the dark hands fair and glow with less effort.

    16. Almond and sandalwood are always useful ingredients for fairer skin. You can apply this paste on the hands to make them fair, as this is the home made treatment which is very effective.

    17. Soak almonds in water over night, and then grind them evenly for applying on your hands. An excellent fair skin result can be obtained when used twice a week.

    18. The raw milk application also lightens the skin tone of the hands, and keeps them fair and even.

    19. Add saffron and the raw milk together to prepare a paste. Apply this on hands, and arms with the help of cotton pads daily. This will clearer the skin and keep it fair.

    20. Multani mitti (fuller’s earth) mixed with the sandalwood paste and apply it on the face and hands to make them glow and fairness.

    21. Take 2 tablespoons of besan (gram flour) mix it with the 1 spoon of raw milk, and 6 drops of the lime juice, with some drops of the olive oil. Prepare a mixture and apply it on the hands, this will give effective results for your skin if used thrice a week.

    22. Boil some cumin seeds in water, and separate the seed and water. Now wash the hands with the water and get radiant skin of hands, which will be fair.

    23. Apply the lentil (Masoor daal) with the milk or curd, on the hands and leave it for 15 mines. This will lighten the skin tone and make you beautiful and amazing.

    24. You may think that the orange peel is useless, but it is very useful. Just take these peels and mix them with the milk and curd, apply this paste on the hands, and get the even skin tone and fair tone.

    25. Boil the orange peels, in the water and turn the water red. Drain the water, cool it and wash the hands with it.


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