Friday 20 September 2013

Legs Care

Healthy and Beauty Tips of Legs Care

LEGS : Healthy and Beauty Tips of Legs Care

Show a leg

Measure up: Ideally, thighs should be 15 cm (6 inches) less than waist, calves 15-17 cm (6-7 inches) less than the thighs and ankles 12.5-15 cm(5-6 inches) less than the calves.

Thread veins: These occur mostly on the upper leg and are not veins in the true sense but stretch cracks under the surface layer of skin, into which there is a leakage of tiny traces of blood. They can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, or if you take the pill, and tight girdles or boots may aggravate the problem. They can be camouflaged by a masking cream.

All-round beauty treatment: The skin on legs tends to be very dry and dead cell debris which accumulates needs to be sloughed off. Massage and toweling are the best all-round beauty treatments. Just rub your legs with a friction pad or mitt and then dry them, toweling vigorously. Finish off with an application of body lotion.

Rough skin and goose pimples

Daily routine: Treat rough skin and goose pimples to a daily dose of body or hand lotion. Smooth it in before an exercise routine, so that the lotion can work more effectively with the warmth of your circulation.

Improve circulation: When you are having your bath, massage rough skin with a loafed to improve circulation and break down the accumulation of thickened cells.

Use a moisturizer:
 Morning and night knead a moisturizing lotion into rough skin with a rot movement, using the knuckles of both hand and working up from your ankles.

Problem: Wobbly thighs

Sensible diet: Soft, loose tissue on thighs is usually the result of overeating coupled with lack of exercise. Keep to a sensible diet, go for long walks, use an exercise bike and you’ll lose weight. The bulges will also begin to decrease.

Salon massage: Spot reducing with salon massage, either the manual or machine variety, helps to film thighs. The deeper the massage technique , the better.

Massage is helpful: Try this every night for a month. Use body lotion to smooth the way and make massage movements on your thighs towards the heart, never down. Use both hand and wring and twist as though you are wringing wet cloths, then knuckle the flesh using your fist knuckles upward to pummel gently.

For inner thigh: Knead excess flesh as you would pastry, then smooth out. You can also carry routine in the bath, in which case use rough kitchen salt or oatmeal in your hand as you knead and then shower off.

Beware hot water: Experts stress that if your thighs are a potential danger area and show signs of flab, never take a hot bath for too long: 37°C/98°F and a maximum of seven minute should.

Problem: Heavy or slight calves

Treatments: Hard muscles, built up by years of exercise such as skating or dancing, cannot be altered to any extent even with professional massage and electrical treatments. However, slack calves can be slimmed successfully through exercise. Suction cup massage in a salon, helps to get rid of subcutaneous fat, i e, the fat just under the skin.

Day by day: Pummeling  and massaging your calves every day will help to reduce them. Use a boy lotion or cream for ‘wet’ massage or massage dry using a finely-milled talc.

Problem: Fleshy knees

Coming to grips: One of the most effective way of coming to grips with the fat on knees is to stand and rub your knees together: or grip a bath towel between your knees grab an and with each hand and ‘saw’ away for a really good friction rub.

Speedy results: Wet massage helps to speed up results. Every day massage in a body lotion holding your knee steady with your thumb: with your fingers, make small circular movements all over.

For smooth knees: Scrub your knees during a bath or shower using upward strokes towards your heart. Follow with a nourishing massage, using a good emollient body lotion.

For summer camouflage: Heavy knees can be made more attractive by using blusher, or a tinted sun lotion, to shade away heaviness around the side of your knees. This trick is effective too on the inside of knees.

Problem: varicose veins

Over stretched: too much standing or sitting allows blood in leg veins to become stagnant and sluggish due to lack of contractions in leg n-muscles to aid the blood in its return to the heart . The veins become over-stretched, their valves cannot close properly and the vein walls thicken and lose their elasticity, becoming curled and controlled.

A family trait: people with a family tendency to varicose veins should try to avoid too much standing and should rest with the legs propped. Gentle dally walking will also help to keep leg muscles firm and support of a fine elastic stocking or tights may be all that is required in mild cases.

During pregnancy: It is especially important to rest your legs when you are pregnant. If you stand for too long, your legs may swell and fluid in your blood will seep out from your veins and arteries into the surrounding tissues. This happens particularly in pregnant women who are overweight. Wearing support tights during pregnancy is a great help towards preventing varicose veins.

Home Remedies for Removing Scars on Your Legs

Scars can appear anywhere on the body as a result of trauma to the skin. Any wound or injury to the skin on your legs can create scar tissue as part of the healing process. The type of scarring and its size depends on genetics and other factors. Some people are more prone to getting scars while others rarely scar at all.

There are several natural and home remedies that have proven effective in reducing or eliminating scars. Alternative healers and even some medical doctors suggest using them to remove scars on the legs.

  1. Using Vitamin E Oil

    • While no studies report that vitamin E oil is effective on scars, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that vitamin E works. Dr. Joel Studin, a plastic surgeon, recommends vitamin E oil for his patients. In his article "Scarring" he states that the vitamin E breaks down the collagen fibers that form the scar tissue. Vitamin E is sold in bottles and as creams and lotions. Most of the vitamin E sold is available in varying concentrations. You can get anywhere from 30 IU (international units) of the oil up to 70,000 IU. The higher the amount of vitamin E in the oil, the sooner you will see results, report experts. Apply the oil, cream or lotion to the legs once or twice every day for a few months or a few weeks, depending on the severity and size of the scar.

    Using Cocoa Butter

    • Another well-documented natural ingredient for scar removal is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is the fat of the cocoa bean. It is often recommended for removing stretch marks, which are injuries to the middle layer of the skin. Weight gain and weight training can cause stretch marks on the legs. Many consumers report that cocoa butter is good for other types of scars as well. Cocoa butter is an inexpensive product sold in most drug stores. Apply cocoa butter to the legs once or twice each day for the best results. Use the cocoa butter for several weeks or until the scar starts to fade.

    Using Lemon Juice

    • Lemon juice is a known bleaching agent. The citric acid in lemons also exfoliates the top layer of the skin. This can reduce the appearance of dark or discolored areas and make scars on the legs less noticeable. Apply lemon juice with a cotton ball to the leg scars once  or twice every day. You can use the lemon juice in combination with the vitamin E oil or cocoa butter for faster results.


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