Friday 20 September 2013

Oily Skin

 Know Beauty Tips for Oily Skin

Oily skin can take you through tough times as the sebaceous glands are over-active, producing excess sebum, contributing to a shiny, greasy-looking face and skin concerns such as acne, blackheads and whiteheads, enlarged or clogged pores etc. Pollution and dirt can even lead to comedones (skin-bumps) for those with very oily skin. The solution for this is to keep the oil production in control by following some simple beauty and skin care tips for oily skin.
beauty tips for oily skinAt the outset, you should know something positive about oily skin too. Oily skin is less prone to wrinkles and other signs of ageing primarily because the oil tends to lock the moisture into the epidermis which is the outermost layer of the skin.

Beauty Tips For Oily Skin
These are the 6 tips for facial for oily skin:

1. Say ‘Yes’ to Cleansing!:

face cleansing tips for womenOne of the tried and tested ways to control excess oil is to cleanse it and keep it clean at all times. It is important to cleanse your face twice or thrice daily to rid it of all the accumulated dirt and oil build-up which leads to clogged pores, acne etc. Gel-based or foaming cleansers is the best of the tips for oily skin. Look for cleansers/face washes that are oil-free. Medicated soaps are also useful for cleansing oily skin. However, do not resort to abrasive cleansing techniques as this will strip your skin of its natural moisture, leading to the sebaceous glands producing more oil. Look for a product that contains one or more of these ingredients: Salicylic Acid, Tea tree oil, Neem, Turmeric, Honey.

2. Scrubbing is good for Oily Skin!:

face scrubbing tipsIt is imperative to exfoliate oily skin once or twice a week. This is another one of the very important oily skin tips. The excess sebum produced leads to dead skin cells on the skin’s surface, resulting in pimples, acne, whiteheads, and blackheads, and of course a dull-looking skin. To eliminate dirt and dead skin cells and renew your skin’s surface, as well as to keep breakouts at bay, include exfoliation in your skin care routine. Again, be gentle and do not scrub your skin in a harsh manner.

3. Weekly Face Masks are highly effective:

face masks for oily skin at home

After exfoliation, follow up with a face mask. This weekly step of the oily skin care tips is very vital too. Those face packs or masks containing Kaolin and Bentonite clay, Sandalwood, Fuller’s Earth (Multani mitti) are very good for oily skin as these gently absorb excess oil.
weekly homemade beauty tips for oily skin: face masks
  • Mash the pulp of a ripe papaya, add half a lemon to this; mix nicely; apply on face and massage well; leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with cold water. This controls oil very well.
  • Peel a fresh apple and cut it into thin slices; blend these and add 2 tbsp of honey to it; make a smooth paste and apply on your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. This will control shine, tighten pores and hydrate your skin naturally.

4.alcohol-free toner everyday:

alcohol free toner oily skin

Toning daily will help in eliminating excess oil and banishing dirt from your skin. skin care with rosewater is very good toner. Even a good alcohol-free drugstore brand can be used for regulating sebum.

5. Do not skip Moisturizer!:

skip Moisturizer

Contrary to popular belief, oily skin needs moisturizing and hydration. Stripping the skin of moisture will only further encourage the sebaceous glands to produce more oil to compensate. Hence opt for an oil-free, non-comedogenic, water-based moisturizer.

6. Wear Sunscreen always:

Sunscreen always

The fear of greasiness prompts many oily-skinned women to skip sunscreen. The end result – brown spots, pigmentation and freckles resulting from sun exposure. Hence opt for a gel-based sunscreen or a best sunscreen for oily skin, that will leave your face matte and offer adequate sun protection. Stay away from junk and sugary foods; drink lots of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins, eat at least one fruit daily and include green, leafy veggies in your diet. All these together will regulate the amount of oil that your skin produces.
Following the above steps will definitely help you to deal with the common skin issues that oily skinned-women have to face. If you wish to know which products I have found helpful for my skin, let me know and I shall be happy to share.

                       Try Ayurveda

Ayurveda Oily skin
Oily skin comes with loads of trouble but at the same time it’s a blessing too. Why so? Since it doesn’t age fast, doesn’t get winkles fast, acne marks doesn’t stay on for long on oily skin, it is always hydrated with natural oils, etc. the list could go on and on! It is only the problematic pimples and too much oil secretion which cause a menace.
The following tips will certainly reduce your problems:

1. Your diet should consist of green leafy vegetables. To control oil secretion drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water each day .

2. Wash you face with a cotton dipped in warm water, to take off excess oil, but don’t do this regularly.(Do this very rarely.)
3.Use rose water or neem water as a toner for oily skin.
4.Use oil free moisturizer (use gel based or water based) and also like foundations and cosmetics.
5.Do not use harsh oil removing formulas for face wash. Keep it normal, and for controlling oil wash face with besan and / atta (whole wheat flour ) This will control oil and at the same time is natural.
6.Sometimes (or may be once a day) cleans face with a mixture of lemon juice and warm water. Or just a mixture of lemon juice and water in equal parts and wash with a cotton cloth or cotton ball dipped in warm water. This will take all the oil off at once. Follow this by a pore tightening remedy to control oil secretion by using refrigerated rosewater on to skin with a cotton ball.

Some excellent ayurvedic and effective proven tips  for those with oily skin

 Sandalwood Powder

Sandal Powder for oily skin
Rose water mixed with sandal wood powder (good quality, or make a paste of sandal wood by rubbing a piece of sandal wood on to stone plates that are use at religous ceremonies, am sure you must  have seen it. If not then go and buy one from a Dashakarma shop (shops which sells things for idol worshiping) This is an excellant pack for oily skin even for the sensitive type that has rash of any kind.

Lemon juice/sour curd, Gram/wheat flour, turmeric powder
Oily skin home remedies
Use this mixture to get rid of any marks, spots,excessive oiliness- 1tsp of besan  or gram flour ( you can use atta or whole wheat also instead of besan ) + half a teaspoon of turmeric powder + enough lemon juice to mix this into a paste ( instead of lemon juice you may use sour curd also.) Apply on face for about 10 minutes and wash off with plain water.
 Milk :
Cleanse your face with milk
You can cleanse your face with milk ( do not use cold milk directly from refrigerator , milk needs to be in roomtemperature) by taking it in a cotton ball and then using it to clean the face. It’s an excellent oil free cleanser but it may react also with your skin if its too sensitive. (Milk doesn’t suit my face and I have oily plus sensitive skin.)

Benifits of honey with oily skin
Oily skin also requires moisturisation and honey is an excellant moisturizer not only for dry skin but also for oily skin, at the same time it has anti bacterial properties so it will help fight small pimples or rashes if u have any since oily skin is more prone to these.

Multani Mitti/Fullers Earth
Multani Mitti Face Pack
To have a smooth clear and considerable oil free skin, mix 4 teaspoon of multani mitti  with rose water and leave it on your skin for 10 minutes. Wash off with plain water. (I really  hope this girl has Multani Mitti pack on her face, though it’s looking yummy like chocolate face pack  LOL !!!, jokes apart chocolate face pack has antioxidant properties but it’s not something u’d like to use to control your oily skin’s oiliness. )


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